Hollow Oak Land Trust & PA Hunting Regulations
We were fortunate to have 3 different presenters at the meeting. Our primary speaker was Sean Brady the executive director of the Hollow Oak Land Trust. Sean gave an overview of the trust, its lands, and recreation opportunities.
Officer Mike Johnson stopped by to request volunteers for a kids fishing event being held by Venture Outdoors on November 13th at the North Park boat house.
Finally our own Ryan did his annual update on changes to the PA hunting regulations.
In other club business...
* On behalf of the board our president and treasurer presented a plan to stabilize the clubs finances. (see below)
* As a reminder Jim built a custom rod rack and donated it to the club as a fund raiser. We are selling tickets for $5 each. Ticket sales will continue in October and November. The rack will be raffled off at the Christmas party in December. One club member REALLY wants the rack and is willing to pay $100 to the winner!
* Our November speaker is our own Jack who will be doing a talk on George Washington's travels through our area.