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December 2024
Club Christmas Party
We had approximately 60 attendees for the club Christmas Party. Thanks to the efforts of our fantastic members we had plenty of food and a lot of fun. By 6pm there must have been 20 people helping set things up.
Equally important, thanks to our collective efforts the party was a huge financial success exceeding my initial goal.
If you missed it make sure to put next years party on your calendar.

Rich gives the blessing

Time to eat!
Rich & Sam

Debbie is a wonderful supporter of the club.

Members of the club Board
Premium Prize Winners!

Al won the custom fl rod

Tom won the gun rack

I won the Beaver Creek trip

Mason with the hand made net
Thank you to our premium prize donors.
Gary C. - custom fly rod
Jim C. - gun rack
Peter V. - Beaver Creek trip
Scott's neighbor - hand made net
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