From our friends at Penns Woods West.

Join us on Monday, November 25, 2024 from 6–9 pm for another evening of fly tying, food and fun in a very welcoming environment.
Be sure to join us and get started on your patterns to donate to the Great Fly Sale at our January 13, 2025 Chapter Meeting. For each box of 6 flies donated, we will put your name in for the chance to win a fly rod, reel and line combo. More details at the December 9th meeting.
New fly tyers and those interested in learning about the craft are encouraged to attend. We'll have extra tools and materials for you to try out!
We should have a few extra tools and materials for those interested in starting (or continuing) to tie flies, so just show up and learn from the group!
Open Tying:
As always, open tying for those that wish to do their own thing is also welcomed. Bring whatever you want to tie up, as well as your equipment. It is a good idea to bring your lamp or some sort of lighting, along with an extension cord.
Directions & Parking:
Howards Tavern
98 Center Ave
West View, PA 15229
Park in their lot — there is a handicap ramp and entrance into the dining room on the side of the building.
Drinks and a menu are available on the Howard's website:
See you there!

And be sure to mark your calendars for December 9, 2024 — Doug Yocabet from Pa Fly Co. will be our featured presenter.
See you at both events!