Consider joining us on Monday, March 24th, 2025 from 6–9 pm for our next tying session.

Kieran Frye - March Featured Fly Tyer @ Bar Flies
All Are Welcome!
New fly tyers and those interested in learning about the craft are encouraged to attend. We'll have extra tools and materials for you to try out!

Kieran Frye - March Featured Fly Tyer @ Bar Flies.
Topic: He will be demonstrating some of his favorite, effective small mayfly emergers.
Most of Kieran’s early inspiration at the vise came from watching Curt Gowdy’s show and the guests that appeared, like Lee Wulff. Also, the guys at The Fishing Post were influential, but one in particular stood out – John McAdams. “He taught me a lot about fly tying, fly fishing and rod building,” Frye noted.
As he progressed the art of fly-tying, Kieran began to find his focus. “I am an all-around tier,” he offered. “Mostly trout, steelhead and salmon, with a little warm and saltwater flies thrown in for good measure. But mostly trout and I do a lot of bead head nymphs with metal, glass and plastic beads, CDC and soft hackles.”
When it comes to acquiring his tying materials, he also diversifies. “Mostly I buy my materials,” he said, then added, “but I do hunt and have friends that hunt and supply me with feathers.”
Frye then turns those materials into some favorite patterns. “I have personal patterns that I have created and worked well for me,” he confirmed. “My favorite species are caddis, so most of the pattern are caddis related.”
We should have a few extra tools and materials for those interested in starting (or continuing) to tie flies, so just show up and learn from the group!
Directions & Parking: Howards Tavern 98 Center Ave West View, PA 15229 Park in their lot — there is a handicap ramp and entrance into the dining room on the side of the building. Drinks and a menu are available on the Howard's website:
See you there!
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