April 2021 Meeting - Fishing the Ozernana River in Kamchatka, Russia

Meeting Recap
George presented on his trip to Kamchatka, Russia.
Rich covered the latest completed stockings on Pine Creek, Mar 26th and Apr 14th. New float boxes are working great.
Next stockings are Apr 24th. - North Park Lake, May 4th. - Pine Creek and May 10th. - North Park Lake.
No meeting in May. Will make a decision on where to hold next year's meetings at a future board meeting. The fire hall is working out well.
Dave Bobeck reviewed the sign up process to have jackets made with club logo, etc.
Bill Grubbs said the support for stockings has been great.
Gregg Caldwell contributed a beautiful hand made rod for club to raffle off.
Bryan Mathie reviewed a flood mitigation & recreation project on property on Wildwood Sample Road that abuts Pine Creek.
Ron Milavec reviewed PWWTU's 5 year scholarship program in the name of Tom Walsh.
PWWTU'S Cabin Fever is tentatively scheduled for Feb 27th next year.
Discussed a bench with a plaque with Tom Walsh's name.